Zip Code Makkah Jeddah Riyadh Jubail Khobar Dammam KSA

You can find the Postal codes or Zip codes of all Big cities in Saudi Arabia including Makkah Jeddah Riyadh Jubail Khobar Dammam Yanbu Madina and all other districts.

Note: All the Zip codes are up to dated and 100% authentic verified.

List of all Zip Codes of all Big cities in Saudi Arabia

This is the list of Zip codes or Postal Codes of the Main Areas in These Big cities in KSA. While We have added detailed tables of all Zip codes further on this page.

City Name Zip Code
Makkah 24231
Madinah 42311
Jeddah 22233
Riyadh 12271
Khobar 34424
Dammam 34223
Zulfi 15941
Taif 26511
Badr 46357
Jubail 35713
Tabuk 47311
Haradh 36699
Najran 66262
ARAR 73311
Abha 61321
Buraydah 51317

Now we will share a detailed list of postal codes of all big cities area-wise. So You can find all the areas easily in these detailed tables.

Jeddah Zip Code list

The below list consists of all area’s postal codes in Jeddah.

wdt_ID Area Postal Code

Makkah Zip Code List

wdt_ID Area Postal Code

Riyadh Zip Code List

wdt_ID Area Zip Code

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